We have some of the best VCE Tutors in Australia. Our Tutors are typically University Students who have recently completed VCE and are familiar with the content they are Tutoring.
Curriculum Support:
Our Tutors have full curriculum support for both VCE Math (all types) and VCE English.
Online or Face to Face:
We offer Online and Face to Face options (Face to Face where we have a Tutor in close proximity). All Online Tutor Sessions are autotmatically recorded for the Student to Revise by looking back at the Session Recording.
VCE Tutors
Subjects Supported for VCE Tutoring.
VCE Math Foundation Maths (year 11), General Mathematics (units 1 & 2), Further Mathematics (units 3 & 4), Mathematical Methods (units 1-4) and Specialist Mathematics (units 1-4).
VCE English:
Commonly referred to as ‘mainstream’ English, this is the most widely chosen option and is sometimes made compulsory at the Y12 level by some schools. Students must write a Text Response essay, Comparative Text Response essay and Analysing Argument essay for their final exam (3hrs). Generally the Text Response essay is on a ‘classic’ novel – often Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, etc. Meanwhile the comparative can be between two novels, a novel and a film, a novel and a play, or other such variations. Analysing Argument requires students to read a persuasive article given to them on the day and analyse the use of language, visuals and persuasive techniques within it.
VCE Literature:
This is commonly viewed as a more intense or difficult English subject. In Units 3 and 4 students must study at least six texts. Five of the required six texts must be selected from the Text List published by the VCAA. The selection must include one novel, one poetry anthology, one play and two further texts selected from novels, plays, collections of poetry, collections of short stories or other literature. At least one of the texts selected must be Australian. Students study a sixth text for Unit 3 Area of Study 1. The text used for Unit 3 Area of Study 1 must be an adaptation (eg. film, live performance, play script, TV series) of one of the five required texts selected from the Text List published by the VCAA.
English Language
This is an in-depth study of the specific use of language conventions in English; it borrows heavily from the field of linguistics. Throughout Units 1-4, topics covered include the nature and function of language, language acquisition, English across time, English contact (its effects on other languages), formal language and informal language. Students also become familiar with the subsystems of language (syntax, semantics, morphology, phonetics, discourse, and more). The end of year exam tests this learning in three sections (2hrs).
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
EAL is designed for those students for whom English is not their first language. This subject closely follows the same study design as the main English subject (Creative Response, Text Response, Comparative Text Response, Analysing Argument, Comparative Analysing Argument, Presenting Argument). However EAL students must study one less text during the year (3 as supposed to 4), and therefore write their Creative Response on one of their Text Response or Comparative Text Response novels rather than an entirely new text.
VCE Physics:
We have VCE Physics Tutors as well as supllementary videos for Student to view the main focus of Units 1,2,4 and 4.
VCE Biology:
We have VCE Biology Tutors for all Units of Study.
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VCE tutoring near me. VCE physics tutor. VCE tuition centre. VCE tutors. English language tutors near me. VCE tutor. VCE math tutor. VCE english language tutors. VCE english language tutor.