NAPLAN Pre-recorded Lessons | Tips | Tricks
By AirLearners

Naplan Year 7 and 9 Writing Preparation – how to approach it.

Key Moments in this video include:

Introduction to Naplan Year 7 and 9 Writing.

Abount the NAPLAN Assessment

Persuasive Writing Tips

Persuasive Writing Structure (TEEL)

Persuasive Writing Techniques. The Marking Criteria.

Narrative Writing Tips. Sentence Structures.


Pre-recorded Lesson

By AirLearners

Intro to Naplan Year 5 Numeracy.

Question 1

Tip 1 Draw

Question 2

Question 3

Tip 2

Question 4

Tip 3

Question 5

Pre-recorded Lesson

By AirLearners

Introduction to Naplan Year 5 Writing Preparation, Tips and Techniques

About the witing assessment.

Persuasive Writing Tips

TEEL Structure

Persuasive Writing Techniques

The marking Criteria

Narrative Writing Tips

Sentence Structure



Pre-recorded Lesson

By AirLearners

Introduction to Naplan Year 9 Reading Preparation

About the Year 9 Naplan Reading Assessment

Sample Text 1

Sample Practice Question 1 0

Sample Practice Question

Sample Practice Question 3

Tip 1

Naplan Reading Preparation

Sample Practice Text 2

Sample Practice Question 4

Sample Practice Question 5

Sample Practice Question 6

Tip 2 Naplan Year 9 Reading Assessment

Pre-recorded Lesson

By AirLearners

Intro to Year 7 Naplan Reading

Layout of Naplan Year 7 Reading Assessment

Meet the Quokka Text Example

Question 1

Question 2


Question 3 Comprehension of Picture and Text

Tip 1

Second Text


Tip 2

Pre-recorded Lesson

By AirLearners

This video prepares Students for the NAPLAN Year 5 Language Conventions Test. Emma takes student through how to deal with certain Question types and how to tackle each type of question


Question 1 – Spelling

Tip 1 – Sound out the words

Question 2 – Spelling

Question 3


Q5 Punctuation

Tip 2 Re-Read the question before answering it

What is a Verb

Which Sentence needs a Question Mark

The test and answer sheet can be found at https://AirLearners.au

Pre-recorded Lesson