
Going back to school after Covid-19

Going back to school during this difficult period can raise a lot of questions for both parents and students. Times like these can often raise more questions than answers, but we’ve tried to make it that little bit easier with our very own Kate McMahon speaking with Kiddipedia. Check it out below. https://www.facebook.com/Kiddipedia/videos/2526536667657984/?vh=e  

Learning from home during COVID-19

Student Tutors are experts when it comes to at home learning. Our Executive Manager & High School Teacher, Kate weighs in on how to create a successful home learning environment. Back to basics With social media providing parents with picture-perfect glimpses into influencers home schooling set ups, complete with sustainably-made quinoa mosaics and new languages […]

From Terrified to Test Ready

Rebecca from Newcastle is a true testament to how tutoring can build a student’s skills, grades and most importantly, confidence. Since resuming with the Student Tutor Network earlier this year to prepare for NAPLAN, her skills in literacy in particular, have seen dramatic improvement. Her mum Kerry says the tutors from the Student Tutor Network […]